Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saving lives with "Gifted Hands" (Week 7: Biography Children's Book Selection)

“Ben learned an important lesson: sometimes to survive you need to face your fear and overcome it.”-- Greg Lewis

         For this week’s biography selection, I chose a book that is very near and dear to my heart, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story by Greg and Deborah Shaw Lewis. This was a book I required my daughters to read during the summer of their fifth-grade year and I truly believe the life lessons in this book are invaluable. It paired very nicely with the message I always tried to instill: “No matter what obstacles are in your way, you can achieve whatever you can dream”. While my girls may question some of Ben’s controversial opinions, the value of this story holds true.

         The Ben Carson Story is the tale of how a child that couldn’t read became the first pediatric surgeon to separate twins that were conjoined at the head. Ben was eight years old when his parents divorced when he was eight. Afterward, he grew up with his mother and his brother. His mother worked hard, but made sure to challenge her children. Ben went through many trials and tribulations. He made many mistakes, some violent, but he persevered and became a successful medical Dr. who saved lives.

   In the Classroom

         This book is a children’s adaptation of Gifted Hands by Ben Carson. The book has child friendly language and is appropriate for children in 4-6th grade. It contains child appropriate language but does discuss violence that Ben inflicted on other people. Additionally, Dr. Carson’s faith has a profound impact on his life and is included in this book. I would use this book as a choice for individual reading. I also believe Chapter 3: The Dumbest Kid in Fifth Grade is very appropriate as a read aloud. In this short chapter, Ben discovers that his reading difficulties are due to his eyesight. I think it is important for struggling readers to know that they can overcome this challenge.

An adventure in "The Forest Grimm" (Week 7: Fairytales YA Selection)

“Love is stronger than death, stronger than fate"-- Kathryn Purdie        
        For this week, I wanted to explore an adaptation of Grimm’s fairytales. They have always been a favorite of mine and I thought it would be fun to see another’s twist on the classic. This week, I read the audible version of Katheryn Purdie’s young adult novel, The Forest Grimm. I will start off by saying the narrator, Sarah Evans, did an excellent job with this production. Her British accent and enchanting voice truly made the book come to life and made me feel like I was reading a bedtime story.

        The story follows Clara whose prophesy of a young death was told via reading from her grandmother’s cards. No matter how many times her cards are read, her future remains the same. Clara is a resident of Grimm’s Hallow, the once charmed town where villagers were allowed to ask book, Sortes Fortunae, for one wish. When one villager wishes for death upon another resident, the book disappears into the forest and the town is cursed. Villagers can no longer enter the forest freely, those that do are either rejected by the forest or lost. Clara’s mother is among the villagers lost after her mother attempts to find Clara’s father. Clara must find her way into the forest to save her mother. However, accomplishing this is far from easy. Along her way, she finds some villages, but they have been transformed into characters from Grimm’s fairytales. Will Clara be able to save her mother and the other villagers or will her fated death catch her before she is able to?

        I love this book for its world building. The plot is easy to follow and the story is written in a way that character motivations are clear. It is fast paced and holds an air of mystery. Students that enjoy fairy tales, mystery, or star-crossed lovers stories will love this book.

In the Classroom

        I would use this story with middle school to tenth grade students. The themes are not difficult to understand, but leave room for students to analyze the tone, plot, character development, and author motivations. Students could briefly read the Grimm’s fairytales that the story covers prior to the reading and compare them to the story as they encounter the characters. Students could use this as a creative writing experience to create their own rendition of a Grimm’s fairytale.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

"Sophia's War" is for the freedom of all (Week 6: Historical Fiction Children's Selection)

“Yes, it is hard to discover a truth. But it is much harder to be unable to do anything about it."--Avi

For this week’s children’s selection, I chose to read Sophia’s War: A Tale of the Revolution. Avi’s centers around a young girl named Sophia who is experiencing the events of the Revolutionary War in New York City. Her father and her brother are on the side of the patriots, and she concurs with their belief. In the beginning of the story, she witnesses an event that will forever shape her world, the hanging of Nathan Hale.

     Following the hanging, the British solders begin quartering in her home. Her brother is missing, and her father is injured. So, Sophia needs to find work to help at home. Because she knows how to read and write, she finds employment. However, after a few years, she is recruited to be a spy for General Washington. She discovers the treachery of a high-ranking military officer in the continental Army. Time is running out though, and she must try to stop the plot herself.

     I enjoyed this book. I liked that it showed ways that women helped out during the war. It was fast-paced, and full of historical events. This book allows the reader to understand the fears, motivations, and bravery early patriots had.

In the Classroom

     This book would be an excellent read for 5th graders, before, during, or after learning about the Revolutionary War during Social Studies. Students could use this book to provide some background knowledge prior to the instructional unit. If used after the unit, the students could use the unit to provide background knowledge for the book. I can envision a fifth grade teacher using this as a choice for a literacy book club. Groups could read historical fiction books, like this one, and give a presentation to the class.

"I'm Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter", but I am perfectly me. (Week 6: Hispanic/Latino YA Selection)

“I don’t understand why everyone just complains about who I am. What am I supposed to do? Say I’m sorry? I’m sorry I can’t be normal? I’m sorry I’m such a bad daughter? I’m sorry I hate the life that I have to live?”-- Erika Sanchez
In Erika Sánchez’s novel, I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, Julia becomes unsure of the world around her after the sudden death of her sister. She struggles with the grief of knowing that compared to her sister, Olga, she is a disappointment to her mother. While exploring Olga’s room, Julia discovers that her sister may not have been as boring as she thought. She sets out to discover the truth about her sister as she struggles with doubts about whether she will be able to get into college. Her mental health has gotten worse since Olga's death. 

    Julia wants to get into college to escape her community. Her family resides in the south-side of Chicago. Her neighborhood is riddled with crime and drugs. Her home is infested with cockroaches. Her father works in a factory, and her mother cleans houses for rich people. Julia just wants out. 

    I really enjoyed this book, although it was difficult to hear some of the content. It glossed over some of the more mature events, but still managed to display the emotions of the main character. I’m sure some of her feelings regarding her culture are similar to those of other first generation American teens. She feels like she is too Mexican for the world, but not Mexican enough for her mother or the rest of her family.
In the Classroom

    This novel is appropriate for juniors and seniors; however, I would not recommend it for classroom whole group use, because of some of the events. Julia and her friends engage in drinking, drug use, and sex. Additionally, there is a suicide attempt and discussion about a rape. I could see this book being an independent or small group choice, if students are mature enough to handle the content. In all honesty, may students have experiences and home environments like Julia’s, and they deserve to be acknowledged and explored.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

The "Firekeeper's Daughter" has her own identity (Week 5: Native American YA Selection)

"There are some who can go anywhere because they always know the way home."--Angeline Boulley   

For this week’s Young Adult selection, I wanted to choose a book that I have absolutely no preconceptions about. Angeline Boulley’s Firekeeper’s Daughter is the enthralling tale of  Daunis Fontaine. Daunis is an 18 year old hockey player torn between two worlds. Her mother is the daughter of a wealthy French family and her father is a member of the Ojibwe tribe. Because her father was not included on her birth certificate and her father died when she was seven, Daunis is not a full member of the tribe. Due to the death of her uncle and the stroke of her grandmother, Daunis choses to defer her enrollment at the University of Michigan and instead attends a smaller college to be close to her mother. Her friend Lily is thrilled to be able to have more time with her. A new member of her brother’s hockey team, Jimmy moves to town and forms an instant connection with Daunis. Everything is going well until Lily's ex-boyfriend, Travis, tries to win her back. Travis, the science prodigy, is struggling with addiction to crystal meth. When Lily refuses he advances, Travis kills her and then takes his own life. 

This cataclysmic event throws Daunis into a federal investigation about a new batch of crystal meth that may involve her tribe and community. How far will Daunis go to solve this case and save future generations from drug addiction?

Firekeeper’s Daughter captivated me from the beginning. I don’t know much about Native American cultures, but this book filled in some gaps for me. Both of Daunis’s heritages play a central role in the story, allowing the reader to understand her motivations and the heartbreak she feels when she is torn between them. 

In the Classroom

I often struggle to suggest young adult books for older students, because I know that parents are extremely particular when it comes to their student’s exposure to adult topics. This story contains sexual content, rape, death, and violence. Because of these themes, I recommend teachers use caution when assigning this book. With that being said, I recommend this book for students in 11th grade and up. This is a great story for students to read after they have developed knowledge of historical treatment of Native Americans. The characters discuss boarding schools and the perspective of elders of the practice. A teacher could assign a synthesis essay of the historical treatment of Native Americans and the modern day impacts utilizing the book as a jump-start.

"Honeysmoke", such a lovely color

 "She sees her color written in the clouds, in the tree leaves, and on the grass"-- Monique Fields

For this week’s children’s book selection, I chose to read and review Honeysmoke by Monique Fields. Simone is a young girl who is curious about her skin color. She realizes that her color is different from her parents. Her mother, who is black, tells her that a color is just a word. When Simone asks her white father if she is black or white, her father responds that she is a little of both. Simone decides to ask her friends at school and each has a different answer. She tests out different colors on her skin and none are her color. Simone draws a girl using pink and brown; she isn’t pink and brown. While thinking about her parents, she notices that her mother is brown like honey and her father is white like smoke. She decides to combine the two to create her color: honeysmoke. 

I love this book for many reasons. The first reason is that this children’s book contains a mixed protagonist. When I was growing up, I had not read a single picture book whose protagonist was biracial; so, I did not see myself reflected in the stories I read. Yesenia Moises’ illustrations are truly joyful and celebrate the characters in the story. The idea of race is handled in such a manner that the reader can infer that even though people are different, we are all mostly the same. I believe that many students will identify with finding their color, because no children are completely white or black; rather, all people are some combination of many colors. 

In the Classroom

I love this book for students in elementary school at any grade level. It is short and can jumpstart many conversations about identity. In my first grade classroom, I would follow this story with a self portrait activity. Students could each create and name their own color. Students could explore human skin palettes and color wheels to find the shade that more closely matches their skin. Then I would have students use Crayola Colors of the World materials or chalk pastels to create their color and name it. I would have students create their self-portrait and write about what makes them unique.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

How to become a "Legend": (Week 4: Graphic Novel YA Selection)

"You take it all one day at a time. You try to walk in the light.""-- Leigh Dragoon

    I was so excited to read Leigh Dragoon's graphic novel adaptation of Marie Lu’s novel Legend. I read the original novel around ten years ago, and I still regularly think about it. I will attempt to write this blog entry ignoring the original novel.

The dystopian graphic novel, Legend takes place in The Republic an area that was once known as the West Cost of the United States. The Republic is divided into sectors, some wealthy, some poor, which are under absolute control of the government and riddled with plagues. Children are given a test that determines their mental and physical aptitude and are placed into jobs. Children that do not meet the minimum standard are sent to labor camps.

    The tale follows the point of view of two characters, June and Day. Day is a boy in the impoverished Lake Sector. He fails his test and finds himself in a laboratory where he receives injections. After falling ill, he finds himself in a pile of bodies; the laboratory employees thought he succumbed to his illness and he was able to escape. For his families safety, he stays away from them, but attempts to help them through criminal activities which leads him to infamy. Five years later, his younger brother, Eden develops the plague; so, Day attempts to steal plague cures from a government facility where he runs into Matis Iparis, a military officer.

    June is a prodigy from the wealthy Ruby sector, she is the only person to receive a perfect score on the Republic’s test. This does not stop her from getting suspended from school after scaling a building. Her world changes when she is called to a medical facility and informed of the death of her brother, Matis. She is assigned to investigate the crime and vows to track down and punish the person responsible, Day. She goes under cover where she meets Day, by chance. However, he does not seem like the cold-blooded murderer the Republic makes him out to be.

    Leigh Dragoon’s adaptation provides clear explanations of the story through the succinct dialog and thoughts of the characters. The illustrations by Kaari bring the story to life with action packed scenes and expressive pictures. The graphic novel is done very well and fleshes out the story nicely. This is the first or four novels in the collection.

In the Classroom

    This graphic novel has many depictions of violence and some depictions of death. Because of this, I would recommend this graphic novel to 10th graders and up. The story explores the question of how much power is too much power, as well as, security vs. freedom. It would be a great back drop for students to explore this question through a student prepared debate over the topic. Some of the actions of the Republic mirror the actions of the Nazis during WWII; I think that Legend would provide a fictional context to explore these actions and identify parallels and differences.

Saving lives with "Gifted Hands" (Week 7: Biography Children's Book Selection)

“Ben learned an important lesson: sometimes to survive you need to face your fear and overcome it.”-- Greg Lewis              For this week...